my life in fashion:9. in the middle of nowhere

Actually, rightnow,im in the middle of big chaos over the decision made by someone i respected and paid for my work.i would never know what is the real reason behind all these,since it was a sudden change and a surprising decision which affected all of the people involved inside.

as if the view i used to see very clearly,now is nothing but blurred vision.somehow i knew something like this might happen someday,but it has never crossed my mind that it will faster. i dont know, i dont want to have such feeling as this,and i must start thinking some other way to handle all of this,as the future wasn't meant to be predicted not afraid at all with whatever happen later since i believe i have the skill and experience which i can rely on if i desperately need it. 

i just wish there is a hidden purpose from God for me when i get through this,maybe its a sign, who knows.i always hope nothing but the best that i would achieve even from the worse moment in my life.i just have to keep thinking positively.Please God, just help me get through this and show me the best way.amiin