The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword for Wii

The Nintendo Wii isn’t doing exactly well in terms of number of consoles sold each month lately, despite the strong start that it had over the PS3 and Xbox 360 when first released in Japan and the US. Well, I guess that is because time has caught up with the rather limited hardware of the Wii, not to mention the fact that Nintendo’s home console seem to be on the receiving end of far more shovelware compared to its counterparts.
I guess first party software from Nintendo always does well, and Nintendo pays no attention to how long fans must wait or how much they have suffered in the name of patience. In fact, anticipation has been building up over some time already with the announcement of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword for Wii. Having said that, here are more information concerning the upcoming title that might interest you in yet another swashbuckling adventure that you steer Link through.