Men's Fashion 2011

At least every six months – for a new

men’s fashion

, many of them go to bed. However, it is difficult, do not worry, Mark, 2011 eulwihan latest trends in fashion, we are analyzing, you can not do it alone. The model of flower development is a hot trend -

fashion designer

and a big flower people paisley shirts, shorts and some beautiful beaches to try to change this option when this, it has been all over the runway. Of course, it was moved to her

makdoeji 2011 model

. Another important issue for men in jackets. Variety of soft colors like true color purple brown, green, and blue blocks, in particular was common. This is a formal event, a lot more for society than the number of wear your blazer for you every time. Okay


, really good people and an attractive, what adjustments in 2011 that Abu-line is a big trend. How Blazers in 2011 as well as the speed of the jacket and the leather jacket can be seen all around. All styles sport a good job bwae bomber was popular, especially in the larger effect. Unexpected events, like the leather bomber jacket, both practical and fashion, and the cold tongue is a particularly good opportunity for many people, he came sports. This shirt is easy to find out, and the ultra-hip to wear. Often a

big trend for 2011

is the top courses in a strange fashion I do not have anything to explain why harvesting is. Her voice for women, but we can not trust. We can lose a little bit about the program is not tee’re some are smaller than normal. B, he can show that they are quite able to believe that Abu when. A piece of a very popular color is black and white.

Men’s accessories

and in 2011 another proposal, a list of fashion trends and other clean clothes are amazing. So you see, but right now between a

small girl

, it could be a good person can hold. Sheer shirts became a popular summer vacation if you could meet, he’ll be fine – at the beach for tanning and other things for the layering is more options and performance expectations.

Mens Fashion 2011

At least every six months, no - the new

fashion for men

, many of them go to bed. However, it is difficult, do not worry,
Mark 2011
eulwihan latest fashion trends, analysis, and you can not do alone.


fashion and a great person Paisley Flower


, shorts and some beautiful beaches around the track to be changed when this option - a development model is a flower hot trend. Of course, he moved in 2011

makdoeji model

. Jacket, another important issue for people. True Color Purple, green, brown and soft, a variety of colors such as blue blocks were very common. This is a formal event, many community each time you wear clothes is more than the number. Okay Blazers, you adjust the Abu 2011, the trend line is a very good person and a great attraction. How 2011 Blazers and jackets and leather jackets all the speed you see around. Good job all sports bomber style was popular with larger implications, especially bwae. unexpected events, such as leather bomber jacket, both practical and fashionable, and cold tongue is a very good chance that many people, sports here. To find this shirt, and ultra-light class. Why is a big trend in 2011 eulwihan often to describe a collection of something in a weird way I have is the best course.

women's voices

, but we can not believe it. Some of our programs a little smaller than normal, tee're will not be lost. B is quite incredible, when you can prove Abu. A piece of a very popular color is black. Another man and a proposal for 2011, a list of clean clothes and other accessories, fashion trends, which is great. So, can be viewed at the time of a young girl can do is keep a good man. Stratification for tanning and other things on the beach for more options and performance is expected - so popular summer shirt, was that they would be met.

KONTES SEO 2011 : Javahostindo Web Hosting Indonesia

KONTES SEO 2011 : Javahostindo Web Hosting Indonesia

Sebagai salah satu penyedia layanan web hosting Indonesia yang berusaha meningkat pelayanan dengan melihat kualitas layanan dari sudut pandang para blogger maka Javahostindo mengadakan blog review mengenai produk dan layanan dari Javahostindo.
Peserta review harus menulis secara rinci semua produk dan layanan Javahostindo menurut pendapat individu. Tulisan yang dimuat diharapkan bisa menjadi masukan untuk Javahostindo agar bisa memberikan pelayanan lebih baik.
Review Javahostindo 2011
15 Februari 2011 – 31 Maret 2011
3 April 2011
JURI pada 3 April 2011 jam 13.00 WIB
Javahostindo Web Hosting Indonesia
Juara I : Uang Tunai Rp 2.000.000
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Juara III : Uang Tunai Rp 500.000
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KONTES SEO 2011 : Komodo Island is the NEW 7 Wonders of The World

KONTES SEO 2011 : Komodo Island is the NEW 7 Wonders of The World

  1. Tanggal dimulainya kontes adalah 7 Februari 2011 (Jam 12:00 wib).
  2. Tanggal berakhirnya kontes adalah 25 April 2011 (Jam 12:00 wib).
  3. Pengumuman tgl. 30 April 2011.
  4. Hanya teknik-teknik SEO yang etis saja yang dapat digunakan dalam kontes ini, dan para juri berhak untuk meninjau kembali teknik-teknik yang digunakan oleh para pemenang, untuk memastikannya.
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  6. Target Keyword: "Komodo Island is the NEW 7 Wonders of The World"
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Bersama membangun Nasionalisme bangsa.

Dikarenakan blum optimalnya hasil dari SEO Contest Komodo, maka panitia SEO Contest memperpanjang waktu pendaftaran SEO Contest sampai dengan tanggal 25 Juli 2011, dan pengumuman pemenang akan kami informasikan pada tanggal 30 Juli 2011.

Pengunduran ini kami lakukan agar nantinya Komodo Island menjadi hadiah terbaik untuk negeri tercinta Indonesia.

Dalam hal ini bukan hanya menang dan kalah dalam melakukan SEO Contest, tetapi kami kembali pada misi dan visi kita untuk memberitahu ke khalayak dunia memang Pulau Komodo merupakan 7 Keajaiban Dunia yang wajib di ketahui dan dinikmati oleh warga bumi ini.

Info lebih lanjut, kunjungi :

Fashion in 2011

Each company has a vision of the tendons in the modern world. It represents a great platform and health of their organization is affected.

Many events are organized to gain public attention. They are medium sized and obtained a clear that will reflect the desired publicity. If you are a business with a trademark long-term public relations firm to market is critical to their performance.

There are many companies, event management is available for your business. We were designed by some of these fashion companies around many shows taking place.

full rights campaigns are conducted under the auspices of the visibility scale. Campaign series, the target will be made. These campaigns include promoting the company has a research focuses on the general level.

The organizer is a good job in the fashion industry. This industry is very colorful and the presence of several characteristics of the eye. fashion show management to handle the extremely sensitive issue only, nuneulipnida extreme precision.

Fashion management experience, responsibilities and activities of the high demand for their votes counted than people who are represented by high-Glorious. So it is important not to starve their expectations. Also, fashion, media monitoring and lead to the destruction of all phone deficiencies.

There are a number of procedures associated with the show. The theme for the position the stage atmosphere, fashion photography, spectator experience, event management companies and locations can be seen only by a few technical details available.

Fashion for various reasons, many features of the rest of the image. High in outdoor locations, and shooting. The request can be fulfilled by other devices in some outdoor shooting.

Case management can be explored in a variety of online event management company. Event management companies involved in production of major events is a unit of experienced people

jumper design

newest designs for my freelance job.

Emily Didonato

Emily DiDonato is an American model.She was raised in a small town in Orange County in upstate New York and is of Irish and Italian ancestry. After a family friend encouraged her to pursue modeling, she signed with Request Model Management in 2008 and booked jobs as the face of Guess? clothing for spring 2009 and as a model in Ralph Lauren's "Rugby" spring 2009 advertisement campaign. In May 2009, she was signed as the latest face of Maybelline New York, a notable accomplishment for a model who had just graduated from high school with only a few months of modeling experience,and made her television commercial debut for the company's "Color Sensational Lip Color" line, alongside Christy Turlington, Jessica White, and Julia Stegner. DiDonato began modeling for Victoria's Secret in August 2009, and appeared on her first magazine cover with The Block's October 2009 issue.Prior to the 2009 New York Fashion Week, Vogue Germany dubbed her "top newcomer."In 2010, she became the face of Giorgio Armani's fragrance Acqua Di Gioia.

Emily Didonato Look so Elegant
Emily Didonato Casual Style
Emily Didonato Beautiful Dress
Emily Didonato so Beautiful
Emily Didonato Make Up
Emily Didonato Best Pose
Emily Didonato so Sexy
Emily Didonato Beautiful Hair
Emily Didonato Maybelline New York


Robyn Rihanna Fenty (born February 20, 1988), better known as simply Rihanna is a Barbadian R&B recording artist and songwriter.Born in Saint Michael, Barbados, Rihanna moved to the United States at the age of 16 to pursue a recording career under the guidance of record producer Evan Rogers. She subsequently signed a contract with Def Jam Recordings after auditioning for then-label head Jay-Z.In 2005, Rihanna released her debut studio album, Music of the Sun, which peaked in the top ten of the Billboard 200 chart and features the Billboard Hot 100 hit single "Pon de Replay."

Less than a year later, she released her second studio album, A Girl Like Me (2006), which peaked within the top five of the Billboard albums chart, and produced her first US number one hit single, "SOS", as well as Billboard Hot 100 top ten entries "Unfaithful" and "Break It Off". Rihanna's third studio album, Good Girl Gone Bad (2007), peaking at number two on the Billboard 200, featured five top ten hits including three US number one hit singles—"Umbrella", "Take a Bow" and "Disturbia"—and the worldwide hit "Don't Stop the Music". The album was nominated for nine Grammy Awards, winning Best Rap/Sung Collaboration for "Umbrella," which features Jay-Z. Her fourth studio album, Rated R, was released in November 2009, and peaked at number four on the Billboard 200. Its first three singles, "Russian Roulette", "Hard" and "Rude Boy" peaked within the top ten of the Billboard Hot 100, with "Rude Boy" peaking at number one. She released her fifth studio album, Loud, in November 2010, that features the US and UK number one singles, "Only Girl (In the World)" and "What's My Name?".Rihanna has sold more than 25 million albumsand 45 million singles worldwide. She has achieved nine number-one singles on the Billboard Hot 100 since first appearing on the chart on June 11, 2005, which is the most by any artist during that time span.As of July 23, 2010, Rihanna has sold approximately 5,563,000 album units in the US. Billboard named Rihanna the Digital Songs Artist of the 2000s decade.She has received several accolades, including the 2007 World Music Awards for World's Best-Selling Pop Female Artist and Female Entertainer of the Year, as well as the 2008 American Music Awards for Favorite Soul/R&B Female Artist and Favorite Pop/Rock Female Artist. She serves as one of Barbados's honorary cultural ambassadors. In January 2010, Rihanna received two Grammy Awards for Jay-Z's 2009 single "Run This Town".In February 2011, Rihanna received a Grammy Award for Best Dance Recording, as well as receiving a Brit Award for Best International Female Solo Artist.

Rihanna Long Hair Straight Model
Rihanna so Sexy
Rihanna Unique Jacket Collection
Rihanna Beautiful Bracelet
Rihanna Look Like a Doll

Victoria Secret 2010 show

Victoria Secret 2010 show is no more. But the debate did not take off. People still in his model, bras, panties, etc. speak. Started by the famous model Adriana Lima is a great success.

Finally, the much-anticipated 2010 people to see, I see we are busy looking for. Look for a beautiful angel with sexy clothes, especially in between, you can get a slice of emotion when the viewer has been designed. Victoria's Secret quality high and has an excellent reputation for selling cool clothes.

Needless to say, a woman would be better and can treat many people as possible can enjoy life. By providing an indicator that looks better under clothes is one way. There are many brands of bras and panties, but before you make a good choice? Victoria 's Secret as the first thought that came to mind of people who can.

However, there are still other options. You go big, especially clothes can be purchased from online stores. Men's clothes as a gift for your wife than you can provide a set of. So you can enjoy a good sex life. Also, if you are a mother and a shy girl, you can ask for the Internet, they prefer to make choices. It's about a woman with a high quality means a lot to bear.

Victoria's Secret, along with a special guest by Katy Perry, Akon invited. If you like, of course, could not miss this sign. In a county in the most recent hot topics. Want to know more, you can score with a newspaper or magazine.

Take Advantage of Alluring Retail Opportunities With Victoria's Secret

Victoria's Secret store to buy them retail employees are engaged, want an entry-level professional positions. What would be known line of lingerie, Victoria's Secret women advanced line of clothing and accessories. Lingerie chain of more than 18 years of employment, all applicants must accept the application. You can simply buy online in your area, you can save your settings.

Victoria's Secret operations, retail and people need to complete the following:

* Check-out - the staff, while ensuring a professional and friendly behavior and help our customers since purchase. Personally, answering phones, credit card machine operation, raising money, administrative tasks, assign tasks to register. Cashier earn minimum wage, usually between $ 9 per hour, depending on location and previous experience in retail payments.
* Sales Associate - Sales Associates a question or concern to our customers that will help. Sales Associate Commission, signs may be posted to storage products, shop clean and neat people, concerned with fitting and sizing to help customers manage the various tasks assigned by the team to keep closer. Sales Associates are usually based on historical experience and retail sales, $ 8, $ 9 will be awarded in hourly wages between.
* Management - Victoria 's Secret model for how the team management, depending on the success of retail chain stores will remain. Sales lead management activities, co-management and store managers to include location. Management plans to employ new workers are often employed, headquarters and other regulatory work and personal communications will include monitoring. Lingerie Store Manager in supervising the overall experience recently, according to rank and store locations, between $ 20,000 and $ 60,000 annual starting salary will be credited.

Victoria's Secret employees with flexible working hours, very competitive retail price to pay for job training, paid for extensive work, you can enjoy the benefits. Staff meeting eligibility requirements, including any overtime, sick leave, paid vacation, personal days, health insurance and other options, a 401 (k) retirement accounts and support, and you can get more benefits. Associates for work in retail know-winner to send them to a competitive salary and quality of work performed can be met.

At work and then move your career with a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits job application if you want to buy, please consider writing Victoria's Secret. Setting up shop in your area to apply online to find out now. Victoria's Secret now and then you start the application you want to pay and benefits can begin. Rental chain immediate personal needs trust.

Why There's Nothing Like a Lady Gaga Concert

Lady Gaga is all pop concert tour dates I do not think it is easy to tour. Anyone who watched the video know that she likes to dance, doing, and she looks like. These however, are obvious signs of acting is superb round of Lady Gaga.

Their journey is really an interesting part of the reason is because the energy they bring to the stage. They know all about Lady Gaga debate. Singing, music, movies made her wear, you can dress even entertainment news has been rumored. To do this, because many people look to their ministers are looking for something. People looking for a roller coaster ride that is exactly what they get.

Lady Gaga is the world's best singer, dancer and pianist, has said. What does she do it, they trembled at the back of her songs to mobile, however, repeatedly and displayed in a way that captivates the audience back to tickle the ivory. It may be performing two types of sauce for a live show every time it is seen as power.

Their clothes are always just can not believe that there is a risk when dancing. It is urgent to inform you that our fans were on the scene. Sometimes they like to jump on stage by fans can be. It is so predictable, so many people that I love.

Predicting changes in their attitude, performance goes out the window at some point. It slows things you see, and then the scene with beautiful flowers such as roses wildflowers is amazing. She owns the stage and continue, but a decent piano when she apparently made several high-energy dance grooves.

Opening concert with the fans, so they forget that there are lines on the piano is great. Tours can start implementing the piano every night, Lady Gaga Poker Face of a short on ego, but apparently the crowd. You may also want to display only those parts of jazz - song performance can be solved. Gaga in love with one of the many faces can not help a bit.

It is a different outfit and then their number in the abstract and again with a different dance for them again on stage, but does not take long. It shows the progress of the entire report amazing. More amazing is that all indications of Lady Gaga, see tour dates. It is difficult for computer entertainment.

Lady Gaga Bio

March 28, 1986 by Lady Gaga Stefani birth name is Joanne Germanotta Angelina birth. Since then she has one of the most important American artists of the record should be. Its activities concert in Lower East Side started in New York City rock scene. She then rationalize their first record was established in 2007, only a few moved nyeonwa negotiations.


Her last studio album was released in August 2008, is gaining popularity as the title track of "Poker Face" and her debut album "Just Dance", America's Top 100 Songs chart-friendly, international hits. This album broke six Grammy nominations in 2009 won two awards this spring. The last part of 2009 she released her second album, man, who was instantly catapulted to fame is fit subject for artists.


Lady Gaga and David Bowie, Freddie Mercury a few rockers like the queen of pop star Michael Jackson is very noticeable and Madonna to name a few, inspired. Marilyn Manson on luxury fashion trend eccentric Lady Gaga light somewhere in the mix, I would be surprised if it was not.


Lady Gaga gwireulhayeo more pop piano at age four, and as a superstar's own music, unlike most. 17 years studying music, she at New York University's Tisch School of Arts, after the adoption, her music, arts, social studies and American politics are concentrated. She is quoted as saying, "You can learn how to go about the art, if you think you can learn." second year at some point in her musical career has moved from his college to complete. She rented an apartment cheap, nutritious foods, eat more affordable housing, they are hard working, talented and ambitious in a road traffic collision.

Stage name

When entering a recording studio instead of saying hi to her address, Queen's Radio Gaga will sing a song. It was the sign into the studio it. The name Lady Gaga actually happened by accident. Music producer, Rob Fusari, apparently, he sent a text message song Queen's Superstar see the day when my hair was a song that stayed on. Correction Auto Programme spelling that you have, the words on the radio to get the Lady, Lady Gaga !


What an inspiration this woman could? She is very stylish debut. In fact, it is virtually the production team as they are overseas staff, began his fashion house. Their hairstyles, clothes and shoes to help create. As a well-dressed, the character is caught by her mother. Fashion Music Plus in the eyes of Lady Gaga Performing Arts compliant.

Bad romance of diamonds

Gaga music video of a bad romance in the second verse of her veil, including diamond, diamond-studded dress is wonderful. Is she left with bracelets and anklets wearing a white leather boots, and two wrist ornaments. Alone, the film opens interesting sport a costume. The most beautiful scene, the camera rotates around Kaga black bikini with white simulated diamonds floating all around. best in the music video was produced by a so far. Diamond videos, jewelry and music are the same conclusions from this incident is considered the king.

Just Dance

Just Dance


I've had a little bit too much

All of the people start to rush (start to rush by)

A dizzy twister dance

Can't find my drink or man

Where are my keys?

I lost my phone

What's goin’ on, on the floor?

I love this record baby but I can't see straight anymore keep it cool What’s the name of this club?

I can't remember but its alright, a-alright



Gonna be okay

Da da doo doot-n


Spin that record babe

Da da doo doot-n


Gonna be okay

D-d-d dance, dance, dance, just


Wish I could shut my playboy mouth

How'd I turn my shirt inside out (inside out right)

Control your poison babe

Roses have thorns they say,

And we’re all getting’ hosed tonight!

What's goin’ on, on the floor?

I love this record baby but I can't see straight anymore keep it cool What’s the name of this club?

I can't remember but its alright, a-alright


When I come through on the dance floor checkin' out that catalogue

Can't believe my eyes so many women without a flaw

And I ain't gonna give it up, steady trying to pick it up like a call

I'm a hit it up beat it up latch on to it until tomorrow yeah

Shorty I can see that you got so much energy

The way you twirlin' up them hips round and round

And there is no reason that at all why you can't leave here with me

In the mean time stay let me watch you break it down and


Half psychotic sick hypnotic got my blueprint its symphonic

Half psychotic sick hypnotic got my blueprint electronic

Half psychotic sick hypnotic got my blueprint its symphonic

Half psychotic sick hypnotic got my blueprint electronic

Go! Your your muscle car-ve it out work it, hustle!

Don't Slow! Drive it, clean it lysol, bleed it

Spend the last dough in your pocko!


Lady Gaga - Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)

Music video by Lady Gaga performing Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say). (C) 2009 Interscope Records

Lady Gaga - Alejandro

Music video by Lady Gaga performing Alejandro. (C) 2010 Interscope Records

Lady Gaga - Just Dance ft. Colby O'Donis

Music video by Lady Gaga performing Just Dance. (C) 2008 Interscope Records

Lady Gaga - Paparazzi

Music video by Lady Gaga performing Paparazzi. (C) 2009 Interscope Records

Lady Gaga - Poker Face

Music video by Lady Gaga performing Poker Face. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 26,232,487. (C) 2008 Interscope Records

Lady Gaga performing Bad Romance

Music video by Lady Gaga performing Bad Romance. (C) 2009 Interscope Records

Elegant Pakistani Shalwar Kameez

Shalwar kameez is the dress worn by both men and women in South Asia and Central Asia. It is a unisex dress similar in manner to shirt and pants worn by westerners. The phrase shalwar kameez is a generic term used to describe different costumes which have been developed in different regions (the Sindhi Suthan; Kashmiri Suthan, the Dogri pyjama). Traditionally, it has been worn in Afghanistan, Pakistan and in Northern India. The popular type of shalwar kameez known in the sub-continent has roots in the pre-partition Punjab.
Since the 20th century, women in Southern India have also copied this dress complementing the Sari, the traditional dress of India. The Shalwar or Salwar (as pronounced in India) is a loosely-fit pajama-like pant. The legs are often wide at the top, and narrow at the ankle, although there are several styles of shalwar pants in modern times, some trendy and jean-like. The kameez is a long shirt of tunic length which hits at the middle of the thigh, but traditionally, it would come down to the top of the knee. The side seams (known as the chaak), left open below the waist-line, give the wearer greater freedom of movement. On a female, the shalwar kameez ensemble is completed by wearing a dupatta (loose scarf) around the shoulders, draping over the chest.

Shalwar are gathered at the waist and held up by a drawstring or an elastic band. The pants can be wide and baggy or more narrow, and even made of fabric cut on the bias.
The kameez is usually cut straight and flat; older kamees use traditional cuts, as shown in the illustration above. Modern kamees are more likely to have European-inspired set-in sleeves. The neckline, sleeves and bottom edge (daaman) are many times decorated with embroidery or laces.
For women, an integral part of shalwar kamees is the dupatta — a long shawl wrapped around body or to cover head in more conservative families. The shalwar kamees fashion has revolved around the cuts and lengths of shalwar and of kamees and the print styles and color palette of the dupatta. Most women in Afganistan were forced to hide their faces even when wearing a shalwar kameez by the Talibans
In Britain, especially during the last two decades, the garment has been transformed from an everyday garment worn by immigrant South Asian women to one with mainstream, and even high-fashion, appeal.
Garments cut like the traditional kameez are known in many cultures; according to Dorothy Burnham, of the Royal Ontario Museum, the "seamless shirt," woven in one piece on warp-weighted looms, was superseded in early Roman times by cloth woven on vertical looms and carefully pieced so as not to waste any cloth. 10th century cotton shirts recovered from the Egyptian desert are cut much like the traditional kameez or the contemporary Egyptian jellabah or galabia.The shirt, kameez or qamiz, takes its name from the Arabic qamis.

Luxury Embroidered Shalwar Kameez
Green vs Purple Shalwar Kameez
Beautiful and Luxury Shalwar Kameez
Elegant Red and Black Shalwar Kameez
Great Red and Green Combination Shalwar Kameez
Shalwar Kameez with Ethnic Motif
Gold and Red Shalwar Kameez
Simple Red Shalwar Kameez
Full Embroidered Shalwar Kameez

Great Bollywood Wedding's Fashion

Outstanding Wedding Sarees
Elegant Blue Wedding Saree's with Red Dupatta
Looking so Charming on this Saree
Mix Brown and Green Wedding Saree
White and Red Ethnic Wedding Saree
Elegant Red Wedding Saree
Simple and Elegant Wedding Saree
Great Wedding Saree

This Time for Saree's Fashion

A sari or saree is a strip of unstitched cloth, ranging from four to nine metres in length that is draped over the body in various styles.It is popular in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Burma, and Malaysia. The most common style is for the sari to be wrapped around the waist, with one end then draped over the shoulder baring the midriff.The sari is usually worn over a petticoat with a blouse known as a choli or ravika forming the upper garment. The choli has short sleeves and a low neck and is usually cropped, and as such is particularly well-suited for wear in the sultry South Asian summers. Cholis may be backless or of a halter neck style. These are usually more dressy with plenty of embellishments such as mirrors or embroidery, and may be worn on special occasions. Women in the armed forces, when wearing a sari uniform, don a short-sleeved shirt tucked in at the waist. The sari developed as a garment of its own in both South and North India at around the same time, and is in popular culture an epitome of Indian culture.The word sari is derived from Sanskrit which means 'strip of cloth'and in Prakrit, and which was corrupted to sāṛī in Hindi.In the history of Indian clothing the sari is traced back to the Indus Valley Civilisation, which flourished during 2800-1800 BC around the western part of the Indian subcontinent. The earliest known depiction of the sari in the Indian subcontinent is the statue of an Indus Valley priest wearing a drape.

The most common style is for the sari to be wrapped around the waist, with the loose end of the drape to be worn over the shoulder, baring the stomach.However, the sari can be draped in several different styles, though some styles do require a sari of a particular length or form. The French cultural anthropologist and sari researcher Chantal Boulanger categorized sari drapes in the following families:
* Nivi – styles originally worn in Andhra Pradesh; besides the modern nivi, there is also the kaccha nivi, where the pleats are passed through the legs and tucked into the waist at the back. This allows free movement while covering the legs.
* Bengali and Oriya style.
* Gujarati – this style differs from the nivi only in the manner that the loose end is handled: in this style, the loose end is draped over the right shoulder rather than the left, and is also draped back-to-front rather than the other way around.
* Maharashtrian/Konkani/Kashta; this drape is very similar to that of the male Maharashtrian dhoti. The center of the sari (held lengthwise) is placed at the center back, the ends are brought forward and tied securely, then the two ends are wrapped around the legs. When worn as a sari, an extra-long cloth is used and the ends are then passed up over the shoulders and the upper body. They are primarily worn by Brahmin women of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Goa.
* Dravidian – sari drapes worn in Tamil Nadu; many feature a pinkosu, or pleated rosette, at the waist.
* Madisaara style – this drape is typical of Iyengar/Iyer Brahmin ladies from Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala
* Kodagu style – this drape is confined to ladies hailing from the Kodagu district of Karnataka. In this style, the pleats are created in the rear, instead of the front. The loose end of the sari is draped back-to-front over the right shoulder, and is pinned to the rest of the sari.
* Gobbe Seere - This style is worn by women in the Malnad or Sahyadri and central region of Karnataka. It is worn with 18 molas saree with three four rounds at the waist and a knot after crisscrossing over shoulders.
* Gond – sari styles found in many parts of Central India. The cloth is first draped over the left shoulder, then arranged to cover the body.
* Malayali style - the two-piece sari, or Mundum Neryathum, worn in Kerala. Usually made of unbleached cotton and decorated with gold or colored stripes and/or borders. Also the Set-saree, a sort of mundum neryathum.
* Tribal styles – often secured by tying them firmly across the chest, covering the breasts.

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